In this page, you will find everything you need to know about MDST in Winter 2025, namely the projects we are offering.

  1. It is required to attend our Project Fair 12-2 PM on Sunday, January 19th. During this poster session style event, you can learn about the projects and talk to the project leads. Project leads will explain what the project is like and have a demo of what the final delieverable will look like. If you are unable to attend, you must complete this form PRIOR to the event’s beginning. Otherwise, you will not be placed on a project in Winter 2025.
  2. After the project fair, feel free to direct any lingering questions specific to a project to the listed project leads, and more general / administrative questions to [email protected].
  3. Completing the project signup form alongside the MDST Tutorials is required by 11:59 PM Friday, January 24th. The project signup form will be released at the project fair, and emailed to everyone on our mailing list following the event. We will assign you to projects on a rolling basis, so complete the form as early as possible to maximize your chances of getting into your top choice projects.
  4. Lastly, a reminder that MDST meets on Sundays and also on Thursdays. Sunday meetings are project work sessions, where you work with the rest of your project team. Thursday meetings are optional social or professional events, meant to bring the entirety of MDST together. While optional, consider showing up to the Thursday meetings!


F24 Prospective Projects (1)


  1. Project requirements are there for you, not for us. If you do not meet the prerequisites for a project, there is an overwhelming likelihood it is not the right fit. If you do not meet the prerequisites for a project but are ready to make a serious commitment to making up what you are missing, let us know in the signup form.
  2. Project timelines are subject to change.
  3. Whether or not a project accommodates members tuning in virtually is a decision left up to the project leads.